Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Monday 5.20.2013

Going to the Martin Luther King Center was not only a reminder of my history, but even more informing and eye-opening. After learning about Martin Luther King Jr. in my household and throughout my educational years, I would never have known that there was more to know about King in the civil rights movement. A historical short film that we saw in the center's theater inspired me. I found myself becoming very much emotional, by not only the visuals of the film, but by physically being in the areas that Martin Luther King walked and talked in the 1950s and 60s. We also had the great opportunity of stopping by Ebenezer Baptist Church, where King pastored, and his actual house.

Putting the day into perspective, I've realized that in today's time, King's dream is a long way from being fulfilled. Yes, there are integrated schools, churches, and other buildings. Yes, Blacks and Whites can ride transportation together and sit in the same restaurants. Yes, there are now interracial marriages. However, the race battle is still in progress. However, there is one major piece of King's dream that I was able to reflect on throughout the day. Peace. If anything, it seems as if peace is what our world is lacking most today. Did King's words mean anything to the following generations? I made a vow to myself that I will do every and anything that I can do to make sure that Martin Luther King's Jr. dream stays alive within everyone that I reach. Thanks MLK.

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